What is Animal Chiropractic?

horse023-largeAnimal Chiropractic is an alternative drugless method of animal health care. Chiropractic is not a replacement for traditional veterinary medicine but works extremely well with it.  It is a seperate and distinct profession that optimizes the function of the body’s nervous system to allow the body to heal itself.

Chiropractors have been helping people officially since 1895 when the first adjustment was documented by a Canadian from Port Perry, Ontario named DD Palmer.   Humans have enjoyed the benefit of Chiropractic care for over 100 years now.  There are records dating back to this time to Chiropractors helping animals as well.  Over the last decade the profession is taking off.  A governing body called the AVCA has been established to oversee the profession.

People visit their Chiropractors not only for correction of the cause of back pain, neck pain and headaches but for more energy, improved sport performance and increase their resistance to disease, along other specific conditions.

Everyone knows that the body is controlled by the central nervous system. This system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Due to its’ extreme importance the design of the body encases this master system in the bones of the skull and vertebral column.  Messages are sent from the brain to the body and back again to to the brain to keep everything working properly.  Nerve communicate with muscles but also with all of your organs, glands and blood vessels.  This feedback pathway requires open lines of communcation through the spinal bones.  If there is any interference on this pathway then altered information will be given to its’ target and likewise returning information back to the brain will be altered. So the brain will send more information which will be altered again from the interference and so on and so on in a vicious cycle until the interference is removed.  Chiropractors refer to this as Vertebral Subluxation.

Over the last 100 years Chiropractors have helped people by correcting subluxation and its’ interference on the nervous system allowing the body to heal itself.  Chiropractors remove the subluxation and thus restore the natural function of the nervous system by the chiropractic adjustment. This allows the natural innate recuperative ability of the body. The adjustment is a quick controlled thrust by the hand in the direction to restore proper alignment in the vertebrae thus reducing the interference and allow the innate intelligence to flow freely again. The power that made the body, heals the body.

This process is the same for animals as it is for people.  The same simple principles apply to all vertebrates and the results in animals can be astounding.

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